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Mchenga cyclicos "Chilumba"

Mchenga cyclicos is a species which is frequently found in big groups in the entire lake. This cichlid is mainly living in open water (from reasonable shallow water to depths of about 25 meters) above the sandy bottoms along beaches. Sometimes they are also found in the intermediate zones from rocks to sand. This variant can be found in the neighbourhood of Chilumba.

In the lake the males of these species can grow to 14 cm, in the aquarium however they can grow a little taller because of a good feeding. The males can then grow to about 16 cm, females grow to about 13 cm.

Mchenga cyclicos is mainly living in open water where it`s feeding itself with plankton.
You can best keep this species with multiple females in a large tank with a lot of swimming space.

In the aquarium they are comfortable with any food. They take everything they get offered, like spirulina pellets, mysis, artemia, cyclops and shrimp-peas mix.